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Running Out Of Power - Episode 8

Here is episode eight of “Running out of power” a podcast where I interview people about things that keep them “recharged”, but stop as soon as my recording device dies.

This time around I was joined by someone who took their obsession with economics and turned it into a lucrative, money making scheme by investing in the stock market – Vishvak Logar. Listen to us talk about his steep learning curve, the literal and figurative highs and lows he faced along with some heavy hitting ideas around patience and failure. He rounds it out by giving words of advice and recommends the books that got him started on this crazy journey.

As for my update, its more of the usual with the audio being recorded over zoom this time. I have tried to clean it up the best I could and overall the voice comes through well but there is still room for improvement.

Conversation wise, stocks was a topic that was slightly out there for me but I picked up on a lot and so will you. And as always I hope you enjoy the episode 🙂

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